Issue 125

24th August 2008 by Danny Allen

This Week...

First steps towards autohide and windows-cover-panel in Plasma, and support for auto creation of Plasmoids based on the type of file dropped on the desktop. "Konsolator", a new Konsole Plasma applet, and "Unit Converter" and "QEdje" Plasmoids. A runner for searching in the "Recent Documents" history. Initial attempt at previews-in-tooltip for Konqueror and Dolphin. Configurable support for size limits in the Trashcan (and trash:// KIO slave). More bug fixes for Kicker on KDE 3.5. More work on version control interfaces in kdevplatform (the basis for KDevelop 4). Ability to save as a PNG image in KTurtle. Jigsaw patterns in Palapeli, start of a new skin editor in KSirK. Sound effects (using Phonon) and a new theme in Kapman. A new default theme in KBounce. Various work in Darkroom, including access to different export codecs. Configuration work in KWin-Composite, especially for cylinder and sphere effects. Option for Compiz-like "mouse dragging in cube" effects. KDED module for Phonon for handling audio devices. Support for ejecting devices in the Lancelot alternative menu. Work on indexing web sites in NEPOMUK. Start of integration with NEPOMUK in Mailody, with a move from KHTMLPart to Webkit for displaying HTML emails. Work on inline track info editing, and the ability to play a track directly off of an MTP device in Amarok 2. NX resume sessions support, and improved scaling behaviour in KRDC. A 7zip plugin for Ark. Various improvements (and a move to kdereview) for PowerDevil. Beginnings of a "download order script" in KTorrent. Configuration dialog for selecting presentation slides in KPresenter. Porting to Eigen2 (from Eigen1) across KOffice 2. Scriptable GUI plugins, and an RSS reader script plugin, in the Shaman package manager. Import of "Twine", a tool for generating and updating Python bindings from C++ headers, into KDE SVN. Import of a KDE 4 port of Guidedog, a tool for setting up connection sharing, basic routing, and Network Address Translation (NAT), into KDE SVN. Import of an "Asciiquarium" screensaver into playground/artwork. system-config-printer-kde is added to kdereview. KDE 3.5.10 is tagged for release.
Following a successful presentation at Akademy 2008, Artur Duque de Souza introduces the work on QEdje, a plan to bring the power of Edje, a graphical design and layout library from the Enlightenment desktop project, to KDE:
We are developing QEdje, a port of the Edje library (from EFL). The main purpose of the QEdje project is to build a bridge among components that have been proven to have great value for open source developers: Edje and Qt.

QEdje will help developers and designers (artists and usability guys) to work together, making it easier to develop rich UI applications. Right now, we plan to do wallpaper plugins and Plasmoids for KDE using QEdje.

QEdje supports most of the elements of Edje, and we are working hard to finish the integration with Qt widgets. Right now we have some code that already works with WebKit (as an example), but it's a little bit hackish ;-)

I plan to join the Plasma team and help them not only with QEdje, but also with bug fixes and to develop new features. Let's try to make KDE even better!

We also plan to support other declarative languages, something like CSS for example. This would make the designer's life even easier and we could support QWidget's styles also.

A good point about Edje's original language is that it has a small memory footprint as we can store everything in binary format (c-structures). This approach is very good for embedded devices, that have less memory and need good performance. The performance on embedded devices today is not so good, but we are working with Trolltech to improve the performance of QGraphicsView. We are almost there ;-)

I was very happy with this year's Akademy. I met a lot of wonderful people, discussed a lot about projects, solutions, and had a lot of fun. You guys really rock!

The screenshot below shows the QEdje Plasmoid in action besides the "Folder View" applet.

Marijn Kruisselbrink introduces his project, "Plasma for Small Form Factor Devices":
During this year's Google Summer of Code, i've been trying to work on improving KDE and Plasma on small, touchscreen-only devices. While I didn't get as much done as I hoped, I managed to make it run on both Maemo and OpenMoko-based devices. Since I don't actually own an OpenMoko Freerunner (and an Neo1973 which I do own is a bit too slow for KDE), my focus has been on the Maemo side.

At the end of Akademy, I started working on making packages of various KDE bits for Maemo, so now it is possible to get Plasma running on a Maemo-based device without having to copmile anything yourself. Currently I have working packages for kdelibs, kdepimlibs, kdebase-runtime, kdebase-workspace (and all their dependencies like Strigi, Soprano, Akonadi and Phonon). These packages are based on KDE trunk, and updated semi-regularly (whenever I feel like running '' - not very often as it takes some hours to build it all), so they might sometimes be broken.

Another issue with the current packages is that they are simply too large. I managed to barely fit kdebase-workspace with dependencies on the default rootfs of my N810, but there was not enough space left to be able to apt-get upgrade it. The packages are large partly because, right now, I basically used the Debian packaging stuff, so everything that is in the Debian packages is in the same Maemo package (with a few exceptions: i've moved the scalable icons and wallpapers to their own packages, as they take nearly 90MB together, and you don't really need them anyway). Hopefully some space could be saved by further splitting up the packages into seperate applications/libraries, and try to make sure you'll never have anything more installed than strictly required.

Some of the KDE dependencies are already available in the official extras-devel repository, and more will follow (and some day, some KDE packages will probably end up there as well, although that would probably require quite some work first, figuring out how to get the autobuilder to build the packages). The trunk packages I built can be installed by adding the following line to your sources.list:

deb binary/

These packages hopefully also make developing your own KDE applications for Maemo a bit easier, as you should be able to just install the -dev packages in scratchbox, and don't have to compile everything yourself.


Commits 3446 by 260 developers, 11239 lines modified, 1456 new files
Open Bugs 16721
Open Wishes 14360
Bugs Opened 392 in the last 7 days
Bugs Closed 347 in the last 7 days

Commit Summary

Module Commits
Lines Developer Commits
Thomas McGuire
Gilles Caulier
Volker Krause
Jarosław Staniek
Andi Clemens
Dirk Mueller
Laurent Montel
Pradeepto Bhattacharya
Khoem Sokhem
Frank Osterfeld

Internationalization (i18n) Status

Language Percentage Complete
Ukrainian (uk)
Portuguese (pt)
Swedish (sv)
Estonian (et)
Galician (gl)
Greek (el)
French (fr)
Low Saxon (nds)
Japanese (ja)
Spanish (es)

Bug Killers and Buzz

Person Bugs Closed
Zack Rusin
Maks Orlovich
Lydia Pintscher
Bram Schoenmakers
Alex Merry
Stephan Kulow
A. Spehr
Tobias Koenig
Andreas Pakulat
Leo Franchi
Program Buzz
Person Buzz
David Faure
Stephan Kulow
Aaron J. Seigo
Torsten Rahn
Jonathan Riddell
Laurent Montel
Stephan Binner
Thiago Macieira
Zack Rusin
Adriaan de Groot

Commit Countries


Commit Demographics


Male (86.28%)
Unknown (12.44%)
Female (1.28%)


Unknown (51.76%)
25 to 35 (23.22%)
18 to 25 (15.74%)
35 to 45 (5.83%)
45 to 55 (2.73%)
Under 18 (0.72%)


  Bug Fixes Features Optimization Security Other



Development Tools

  []    []




  []    []

KDE Base

[] [] []   []


[] []    []


  [] []   []




[] []    []

Networking Tools

  []    []

User Interface



  []    []


[] []    []



There are 137 selections this week

Bug Fixes

KDE Base

Carlo Segato committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace:

fixes to compile krunner on windows

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Revision 848507
David Nolden committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kate/completion/katecompletionwidget.cpp:

Set the vertical scroll mode again and again. This works around a problem in kstyle, which overwrites the scroll-mode while showing.

This makes the completion with a very long list(like in KDevelop) a few times faster.

Benoit Minisini committed changes in /branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/kicker:

Add a one pixel margin to the left/top of applet handles.
When the panel is locked, the "configure panel" menu entry is hidden only if it has been disabled by Kiosk.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3 Revision 848803
Benoit Minisini committed changes in /branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/kicker/applets/clock:

The clock applet finally answers correctly to global palette changes.

Rafael Fernández López committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdelibs:

Fix toolbar problems.
When a toolbar is moved, it is also saved.

Make the toolbar state mechanism loading/saving from Qt being by component, this will save us lots of problems that we were already having on applications that were changing the component on runtime.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3 Revision 849076
Maks Orlovich committed changes in /branches/KDE/4.1/kdelibs/khtml/ecma:

Make the window.frames behavior more Mozilla-like - frames just returns the Window again, which means the properties of the window are available there, too.

This kills the FrameArray class.

Fixes #168017, and renders #164348 moot, as Window is robust against these cases while FrameArray wasn't

Maks Orlovich committed changes in /branches/KDE/4.1/kdelibs/khtml/ecma/kjs_window.cpp:

Make some fix writeable, to make other browsers better.
Fixes Hixie's skeleton demo and


Teemu Rytilahti committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdepim/akregator/src:

don't leak so much memory when changing between feeds.

totally unscientific measurements done with ksysguard and by swithing between all feeds (9189 total/35011 unread) and slashdot (3435/3930):
startup: 35,048K, switch to all: 44,336K, slashdot: 41,876K, all: 44,824K, slashdot: 42,696K

does still seem to leak, but nothing like it used to be (switching between all and slashdot it took approx 8MB)

Tom Albers committed changes in /trunk/extragear/pim/mailody/src/messagedata.cpp:

QWebView wants file:// in front of local items.
This makes loading of inline images work again.


Nikolaj Hald Nielsen committed changes in /trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/playlist:

4 hours worth of airport hacking on the playlist.
Fixes many issues when dragging albums around and adds undo support to full album moves.

The undo stuff still has a logic bug that I need to solve (moving an album down can be undone, undoing a move up will cause breakage or crashes)

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Revision 848169
Leo Franchi committed changes in /trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/context:

make events applet and engine work again.
not populating in initial add yet, but data + caching works now, after ~10 months of being broken!

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4 Revision 850955


Dmitry Suzdalev committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdegames/kmines:

Fix two bugs:
- Allow to use two mouse buttons to reveal adjasent squares
- Hide info message when starting a new game


Development Tools

Andreas Pakulat committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdevplatform/plugins/vcscommon:

Add this to subversion, so I can properly track the code.
This is a new plugin that utilizes the VCS interfaces to provide common functionality with a common ui.
Currently it just fetches the url and decides wether to enable vcs actions or not depending on the available vcs plugins.

There's no real functionality yet and its not compiled for now.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Revision 848814
Andreas Pakulat committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdevplatform:

Finish work on the vcscommon plugin for the context menu.
All items in the VcsGroup are now added by the vcscommon plugin and no other vcs plugin should have the need to add an action to that group.

If you think you need to add to that group please talk about that on the list first.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Revision 849037
Michael Pyne committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdesdk/kioslave/perldoc:

Add the nice kio_man header and footer to the generated kio_perldoc output.

This brings up issues of its own though: instead of forking the .css file everywhere we should come up with some kind of KDE standard for generated documentation output.
But until then, this is a working solution.

Required screenshots:

Before: <a href="/issues/2008-08-24/files/kio_perldoc-before.jpg"></a>;
After: <a href="/issues/2008-08-24/files/kio_perldoc-after.jpg"></a>;

Diffs: 1, 2, 3 Revision 850695


Jason Harris committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars:

Committing patch from Mederic Boquien.
Use alpha transparency in InfoBoxes instead of a bitmap pattern.
Also, use transparency to fade transient labels, instead of fading them to the background color.

We should probably use transparency to fade planet trails as well.

Thanks a lot for the patch, Mederic! Sorry for misspelling your name; my SVN
editor freaked out at non-ascii characters :(

Diffs: 1, 2, 3 Revision 848533
Tomaz Martins dos Santos Canabrava committed changes in /trunk/playground/edu/Rocs/src-rewrite:

Ui Finished (almost) started doing the Graph Implementation

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Revision 848807
Torsten Rahn committed changes in /branches/KDE/4.1/kdeedu/marble/src/lib/VectorComposer.cpp:

- Every nice feature starts off as a hack: Fancy boundaries.

Mauricio Piacentini committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kturtle/src:

Add Save as Picture (PNG) feature to KTurtle.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Revision 850222
Jason Harris committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars:

It is now finally possible to properly handle custom catalogs in the Download Extra Data tool.
If any downloaded file has a filename matching *.cat, it will attempt to import it as a custom catalog.

You can try it out immediately, because I recently (finally) added Carl Knight's contribution of the Abell Planetary Nebula catalog to the download tool.

When you install the catalog using Ctrl+D, it will start displaying the PN immediately, you can search for them in the Find tool, and the catalog will appear in the Catalogs tab of the config tool.

Will backport to 4.1.If you're using < KDE 4.1.x (where x>0), you'll have to add the catalog manually after installing the file, using the "Load Catalog" button in the Config tool, and pointing it to $KDEHOME/share/apps/kstars/

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Revision 851288


Gilles Caulier committed changes in /branches/extragear/kde3/graphics/digikam/utilities/imageeditor/editor:

digiKam from KDE3 branch : Important changes here :

Image Editor usability improvements: embedding editor tools in main window instead to use separate dialog.

- Add new EditorViewStack which create a stack of widget to display over editor canvas (typically the full image canvas or the editor tool preview)
- Add new EditorTool QObject component. We will use this one for each tools.
- Add new EditorToolIface which interface an EditorTool to editor gui (EditorViewStack + right SideBar).

This interface plugin or unplugin a tool to editor. When a tool is pluged in editor, a new tab is created on Right Sidebar to display tool settings. The tool preview is displayed instead editor canvas.

Some editor action still avaialble when a tool is pluged as zoom in or zoom out for ex.

There is a screenshot of new RawImport tool in action which is the first one to be ported to EditorTool:
<a href="/issues/2008-08-24/files/rawimport5-EmbeddedInEditor.png"></a>;

The plan is to port all others tool used in editor, especially all image plugins.

TODO: finalize EditorToolInterafce to be able to use editor menu actions.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 2 more) Revision 849938
Cyrille Berger Skott committed changes in /trunk/playground/graphics/darkroom/src:

introduce a levels docker

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Revision 850311
Cyrille Berger Skott committed changes in /trunk/playground/graphics/darkroom/src:

allow to save the current configuration

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Revision 850778
Gilles Caulier committed changes in /branches/extragear/kde3/graphics/digikam/imageplugins/adjustcurves:

digiKam from KDE3 : Adjust Curves usuability improvements : port first image plugin to new Editor Tool API.

The tool is now embedded in editor window.
There is no external dialog to show for this tool. Tool settings is placed on editor right sidebar and tool preview in editor canvas stack.

The look of editor sound like more professional application (as Aperture, LightZone, or LightRoom).
Look the screenshot:
<a href="/issues/2008-08-24/files/2785923199_a87e6b017d_o.png"></a>;

Diffs: 1, 2, 3 Revision 850792
Cyrille Berger Skott committed changes in /trunk/playground/graphics/darkroom/src:

* allow to load options saved in a bookmark
* set options of the levels widgets from a ProcessingOption object

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4 Revision 850832
Aurélien Gâteau committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdegraphics/gwenview/lib/document:

Implement animation methods.

Cyrille Berger Skott committed changes in /trunk/playground/graphics/darkroom:

GUI support for different export codecs

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 5 more) Revision 851534

KDE Base

Martin Gräßlin committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/kwin/effects:

Config option for selecting the wallpaper/skydome.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3 Revision 848178
Martin Gräßlin committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/kwin/effects:

Own configuration dialog for cylinder and sphere effect, they do not use cube's config any longer.
Nevertheless the effects use same global shortcut as cube.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 4 more) Revision 848314
Richard J. Moore committed changes in /trunk/playground/base/plasma/scriptengines/qtscript/plasma-bindings/examples/qtscript-calculator:

- Add a calulator written in qtscript

Diffs: 1, 2, 3 Revision 848470
Ivan Čukić committed changes in /branches/work/lancelot/kde4.1-backport:

Added Drag support to most of the models (for items)

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 5 more) Revision 848596
Aaron J. Seigo committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma:

allow applets to query for their context, update the context via a constraint (we're running out of them!)

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Revision 848820
John Tapsell committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/runtime/kdesu/kdesu/kdesu.cpp:

Add an option to embed the kdesu dialog in a given window

Simon Paul St James committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/apps/dolphin/src:

Very rough initial attempt at previews-in-tooltip for Konqueror and Dolphin.
Still needs extensive work in positioning, scaling/ padding items to fit, and timing things so that the previews are more likely to have been generated when the tooltip is positioned and displayed.

Aike J. Sommer committed changes in /trunk/playground/base/plasma/screenmanagement:

Resizing and moving of monitors works for predefined configurations and can be done by drag and drop with the plasma-applet.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 16 more) Revision 849006
Andrea Diamantini committed changes in /trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/konsolator:

Here is the konsole-plasmoid... "konsolator" (thanks to NotMart for the cool name..)

Sebastian Trueg committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/runtime/nepomuk:

New D-Bus API to analyse a blob of data and store its metadata under a resource.
This is for example used to index web sites.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Revision 849240
Dennis Nienhüser committed changes in /trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/contacts:

Status icons and status message support

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4 Revision 849242
Norbert Frese committed changes in /trunk/playground/libs/kwalletkeyring:

kwalletkeyring: Inital Commit - Experimental bridge to find out how the KWallet data-model would fit into the Keyring data-model.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 17 more) Revision 849436
Petri Damstén committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/wallpapers:

Add image wallpaper plugin converted from desktop containment.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 8 more) Revision 849805
Rob Scheepmaker committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/desktoptheme/widgets/dragger.svgz:

This is the correct version of the dragger svg, WITH the icon size hint.
So extenders don't look like shit anymore.

Matthias Kretz committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/runtime/phonon/kded-module:

add a KDED module for Phonon.
for now the only feature it will handle is the device management
- list all hardware and software (soundserver, special asoundrc routing) devices
- group devices access methods into device objects
- keep device list up to date when Solid tells us about added or removed devices
- provide dbus interface for the Phonon KDE platform plugin to use not enabled for compilation until it becomes useful

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 3 more) Revision 850000
Alex Merry committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace:

Add a canShutDown() method to KWorkSpace, and use it in KickOff to determine whether to show the shutdown options.

Note that we only check when KickOff is created, so changes to the session manager configuration will not take effect until logout (well, actually, you can just remove and add KickOff).

Gerhard Gappmeier committed changes in /trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/unitconverter:

Added plasmoid UnitConverter

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Revision 850394
Xavier Vello committed changes in /trunk/playground/ioslaves/kio_bookmarks/kio_bookmarks.cpp:

Add icon for places switching between desktop/laptop with solid.
Code stolen from kickoff.

Tobias Koenig committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/runtime/kioslave/trash:

Add trash limits to kio slave and provide a kcm for configuring it

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Revision 850445
Alex Merry committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma:

Update when batteries appear and disappear.

These really could do with some love (it was one of the earliest complex engine/applet pairs, and it shows), but working on them is a pain for me, as my laptop is old and decrepit.
Any laptop-weilding volunteers?

Aaron J. Seigo committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/plasma:

first steps towards autohide and windows-cover-panel: basically all the hooks are in place, now the interesting and more tricky stuff happens (which is why i'm commiting now versus waiting ... ah, my kingdom for a git)

Diffs: 1, 2, 3 Revision 850956
Sebastian Kügler committed changes in /trunk/playground/base/plasma/runners/recentdocuments:

New Runner that searches in Recent Documents.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Revision 850988
Aaron J. Seigo committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/plasma:

panels now hide and show successfully.
next up: actully hide() the panel widget when complete and use an input only window to trigger unhide

Luboš Luňák committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/kwin:

Keep fullscreen windows covering the whole screen when it is the topmost window on its xinerama screen.

Ivan Čukić committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdeplasma-addons/applets/lancelot/app/src:

Eject support for devices

Diffs: 1, 2, 3 Revision 851368
Martin Gräßlin committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/kwin/effects:

Option for Compiz-like mouse dragging in cube effects.
That is cube is closed on release of mouse button.

Option is disabled by default.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Revision 851485
Aike J. Sommer committed changes in /trunk/playground/base/plasma/screenmanagement:

All screen and output related signals are published over dbus now.
This makes the applet correctly redraw on changes.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 2 more) Revision 851503


Szymon Stefanek committed changes in /branches/kdepim/kmail-soc/kmail/messagelistview:

Re-implement search by hiding unmatching items.
It works and it's fast as long as we don't expand parents for matching items.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Revision 848130
Tom Albers committed changes in /trunk/extragear/pim/mailody:

Take two for mailody/kontact integration.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 13 more) Revision 848190
Kevin Krammer committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdepim/kresources/akonadi/kabc:

This is a rather large commit because I started working on these changes on the last evening at Akademy and on the train back home.

It mainly changes the plugin from a simple KABC::Resource to a KABC::ResourceABC, i.e. to a resource capable of having subresources.

This allows us to map all Akonadi collections with addressee data into one KResource plugin instance which means we can get rid of the rather awkward collection selection in the plugin's config.

Since adding KResource plugin, e.g. in KAddressBook, always shows the plugin's config page, rather than leaving it empty I decided to embed the Akonadi resource configuration KCM instead, conveniently enabling us to add/configure/remove contact data resources through KAddressBook, similar to how Mailody handles this for mail data resources.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Revision 850088
Szymon Stefanek committed changes in /branches/kdepim/kmail-soc/kmail:

Support inter-tab message drag and drop.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Revision 850690
Allen Winter committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdepim/korganizer:

implement nearly 5-year old wish to be able to select a year rather the a month when clicking on the year label in the navigator.

implementation provides a 10 year range of years in a popup menu.

Bertjan Broeksema committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdepim/akonadi/resources/vcard:

Make the vcard resource a bit more robust by adding a (configurable) autosave function.
When changes are made to the resource a timer with a configurable timeout is started and on timeout the changes are saved.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3 Revision 851012
Bertjan Broeksema committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdepim/kpilot/conduits/akonadibase/

Make the config dialog for Akonadi conduits a bit more bullet proof by adding a check if Akonadi is running and try to start it if not.

When both fails, the user will not be able to configure anything.

Tom Albers committed changes in /trunk/extragear/pim/mailody/src:

First start of integration with Nepomuk.
Can show tags that are set.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Revision 851092
Tom Albers committed changes in /trunk/extragear/pim/mailody/src:

Use the tagwidget which is shipped by nepomuk.
So we have full tagging support.

Todo: work on showing messages with a certain tag...

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Revision 851116
Tom Albers committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdepim/akonadi/resources:

Add a Nepomuk Tag resource.
This shows virtual folders for each nepomuk tag.

The idea is that clicking on them shows the messages which are tagged with that keyword.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Revision 851482


Benjamin Cail committed changes in /trunk/koffice/filters/kword/msword-odf:

more work on images - I now have a screenshot of a simple doc, converted with koconverter, opened in OOo with the image displaying

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Revision 848114
Fredy Yanardi committed changes in /trunk/koffice/kpresenter/part:

Add a new configuration dialog for selecting slides for presentation and make it possible to use a custom slide show.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Revision 849155
Sven Langkamp committed changes in /trunk/koffice/libs/main/KoOdfGraphicStyles.cpp:

* added support for axial gradients, color stops are mirrored and used as linear gradient
* added support for gradient border attribute


Dan Meltzer committed changes in /trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/playlist:

Some initial work on inline editing in the playlist.
Currently requires choosing an action from the context menu.
At this point it will only edit the track name, as we don't have any way of telling what data an item actually holds.

Further editing is going to require a good deal of work on the playlist (my next goal)

Diffs: 1, 2, 3 Revision 848115
Dan Meltzer committed changes in /trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/browsers/collectionbrowser:

Implement inline editing for tracks in the collectionbrowser.
This is still a work in progress, but less of a work in progress than it is in the playlist.

TODO: Inline editing for artists/albums/everything else.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Revision 848422
Andreas Silberstorff committed changes in /trunk/playground/multimedia/kalva2/src/libkalva/kalvavideoplayer:

Thanks to a very small amount of Solid the screen dosn`t go to sleep while watching a video anymore :-)
(I really love KDE4!)

Andreas Silberstorff committed changes in /trunk/playground/multimedia/kalva2/src:

Perspectives can be enabled and disabled.
Still TODO to make the perspectives plugin system complete: store the enabled state of the perspectives in the settings and restore settings.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 4 more) Revision 850474
Alejandro Daniel Wainzinger committed changes in /trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/collection/mtpcollection:

Add ability to play a track directly off of MTP device, initial support.
It lags because copying isn't threaded etc., but it should work.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4 Revision 850962

Networking Tools

Joris Guisson committed changes in /trunk/extragear/network/ktorrent/plugins/webinterface:

Revamped webinterfaces
- icons are updated to the new ktorrent icons
- default interface now looks like new KT website

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 8 more) Revision 848373
David Gross committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdenetwork/krdc:

krdc: NX resume sessions support

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Revision 848515
Joris Guisson committed changes in /trunk/extragear/network/ktorrent:

- Add beginnings of download order script so the user can determine the download order of files
- Make sure that the downloadorder script gets installed
- Add desktop file describing the script
- Use desktop file to load meta information about scripts
- Add properties dialog for script to show meta information about script

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 6 more) Revision 850570
Urs Wolfer committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdenetwork/krdc:

Improve scaling behavior (VNC):
* new option to keep aspect ratio
* fix issues in fullscreen mode so that window has not been centered after switching scalling on and off again

Patch by Guillaume Pothier.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Revision 851052
Dennis Nienhüser committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdenetwork/kopete:

Extend the auto connect at startup option to a global initial account status setting.
Patch by Cyrill Helg, thanks!

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Revision 851433


Dario Freddi committed changes in /trunk/playground/utils/powerdevil:

Battery Level detection is now working and configurable

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Revision 848864
Dario Freddi committed changes in /trunk/playground/utils/powerdevil:

New profile system, needs testing

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Revision 849055
Wang Kai committed changes in /trunk/playground/sysadmin/shaman:

scriptable gui plugins :)

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 5 more) Revision 849925
Jonathan Riddell committed changes in /trunk/kdereview/system-config-printer-kde:

add system-config-printer-kde

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 19 more) Revision 850005
Wang Kai committed changes in /trunk/playground/sysadmin/shaman/plugins:

add a new rss reader script plugin

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Revision 850307


Thomas Gallinari committed changes in /trunk/playground/games/kapman:

New theme

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4 Revision 848409
Stefan Majewsky committed changes in /trunk/playground/games/palapeli:

First of all, my SVN account is enabled again.
But now comes the even more important message: Jigsaw patterns are there!

All the work has finally paid off.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 4 more) Revision 848420
Stefan Majewsky committed changes in /trunk/playground/games/palapeli/patterns/pics:

Add a curved theme.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Revision 848439
Gaël de Chalendar committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdegames/ksirk:

New skin editor for KsirK; just an empty window right now

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 5 more) Revision 848523
Eugene Trounev committed changes in /trunk/playground/games/palapeli/patterns/pics:

More Puzzle like patterns.
Can't test them unfortunately.

Stephan, could you please let me know if they even work?

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 6 more) Revision 849109
Thomas Gallinari committed changes in /trunk/playground/games/kapman:

Adding sounds to the game with Phonon... Latency problems, maybe use several MediaObject?

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Revision 849579
Stefan Majewsky committed changes in /trunk/playgrounds/palapeli:

Implement support for the new background.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Revision 849651
Gaël de Chalendar committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdegames/ksirk/ksirk:

Progress in skin editor: GUI design quite complete; fake sprites positionning

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 18 more) Revision 850094


KDE Base

Dennis Nienhüser committed changes in /trunk/playground/base/plasma:

Use Kopete's extended dbus interface (no more polling)
Add an event cell notifying about upcoming birthdays and unread instant messages

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 9 more) Revision 848904
Jason Harris committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kdeui/plotting/kplotwidget.cpp:

Having received no feedback on k-c-d when I announced this patch, I'll go ahead and commit it.

Improved "smart" placement of text labels for plotted points that have been named.
The previous method used a low-resolution "gridding" of the plot region into a 100x100 array (regardless of the plot widget's size) to serve as a mask to identify regions which already contain a plot element.
Now we use an actual image for the mask, matched to the size of the widget.

In addition, we use a "downhill simplex" algorithm to search for an optimal label position near the target point such that the label doesn't overlap with other plot elements.
Before we used a brute-force search.

With the new method, the Solar System tool in KStars takes 85-95 msec to draw itself (compared to 250 ms with the old code, and 75-85 msec with no point labels).


Thomas Zander committed changes in /trunk/koffice:

Fixes: slowness on embedded devices.

Details: On embedded devices like n810 (which uses an Arm processor) usage of double is incredably expensive. In almost all cases our usage of double can be done just as well using floats on those devices.
This is something that Qt does as well using the type 'qreal' which is a double on all modern platforms but float on those that don't have doublenatively.

So we get the best of both worlds by replacing double with qreal.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 357 more) Revision 851499


Development Tools

Cedric Pasteur committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdevelop:

AStyle plugin ported to kdevelop 4

All features of the previous version are here (except the 'format files' item in the Tools menu which is not really be necessary)
It now uses astyle v1.22.
I have redone completely the config dialog (with a live preview usingKTextEditor).

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 13 more) Revision 848913
Simon Edwards committed changes in /trunk/kdesupport/twine:

Initial import of Jim Bublitz's Twine tool.

Twine is used for generating and updating Python bindings from C++ headers.
It is used maintaining the Python bindings in kdebindings.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 29 more) Revision 849029
Peter Kümmel committed changes in /trunk/playground/bindings/lqt/lua:

sync with git master: add Lua

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 100 more) Revision 850597


Gilles Caulier committed changes in /branches/extragear/kde3/libs/libkdcraw:

libkdcraw from KDE3 branch:
New integer and double input widget based on KDE components which provide a default value and a reset button, like we can found in pro-photograph programs like Aperture or Nikon Nx

New combo box widget based on KDE component which provide a default item and a reset button.
Adapt dcraw settings widget with these new objects.

We need to use these widget into digiKam, especially into all image plugins.
I will use it in RAW import tool.
Just look my code to see how to use it.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Revision 848359
Percy Camilo Triveño Aucahuasi committed changes in /trunk/extragear/graphics/kcoloredit/src:

Refactoring/cleaning code to insert new features to version 2.0.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 2 more) Revision 848771

KDE Base

Benoit Minisini committed changes in /branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/kicker/applets/minipager:

In the pager applet, a shadow is drawn when the mouse enters a pager button, unless in elegant mode.
Pager buttons do not flicker anymore.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4 Revision 848323
Jason Stubbs committed changes in /trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/systray-refactor/core:

Split up the updateBackgroundPixmap() method so that what is being done is easier to understand.
Also update the background as soon as a paint event is received so that a "transparent" icon is shown sooner.
Latter updates have been extended from 50ms to 500ms.

Update the background regardless of whether it has changed or not as the icons weren't correct after the dashboard had shown.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3 Revision 848347
Jason Stubbs committed changes in /trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/systray-refactor/core:

Documentation on the system tray protocol support framework :)

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Revision 848393
Aaron J. Seigo committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma:

be careful with relative paths and symlinks in packages and themes; we don't want widgets referencing random files/resources, just stuff in the given package

Carlo Segato committed changes in /trunk/playground/ioslaves/kio-pish:

copy fish to playground to port it to windows/plink

Martin Gräßlin committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/kwin/effects:

Adding test if cylinder and sphere effects are supported by the hardware, so that they can't be activated if not supported.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4 Revision 848633
Aaron J. Seigo committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/kickoff:

make suspend/hibernate show and work

Diffs: 1, 2, 3 Revision 848785
Aaron J. Seigo committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma:

initial draft + stub class of the Context (aka Activity) class for Nepomuk integration and the exporting of workspace Contexts to the rest of the desktop as per disucssions at Akademy.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Revision 848789
Rafael Fernández López committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kdeui/kernel/kstyle.cpp:

Remove smooth scrolling from kstyle for now.
I have to talk with icefox to see what we can do, but for now, this is the best thing we can do

Christian Weilbach committed changes in /trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/leavenote:

This gives free theming since we "cross use" the notes.svgz now.
We need the notes applet to be installed though. TODO fix by cmake switch to install notes.svgz if it is not already installed (this might be ugly since this is needed for notes as well) or distribute our own copy again which removes "free themeing".

The theme authors could distribute a copy of notes.svgz as leavenote.svgz anyway...

Diffs: 1, 2, 3 Revision 849977
Aaron J. Seigo committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma/containment.cpp:

when we get a non-file dropped, check to see if any applets support any of the mimetypes in the drop.
if so, create a tempfile with the data in it and start the applet with that data.

it's pretty ... interesting to drop web content from a webbrowser onto the desktop and get a miniwebrowser showing the results.

Aaron J. Seigo committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdeplasma-addons/applets/notes:

allow notes to be created when text is dropped. yay =)

Artur Duque de Souza committed changes in /trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/qedje:

Created QEdje's plasmoid.

You'll need to specify an edje file and an edje group to be loaded.

In order to build the plasmoid, please install QEdje 0.2 and also QZion 0.2 (this will require EET too).

I recommend downloading the KDE logo animation from:
<a href=""></a>;

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Revision 850694
Urs Wolfer committed changes in /trunk/playground/libs/webkitkde:

Move KDE-integration-only stuff to an own library (kdewebkit).
That separates WebKit KPart and KDE integration work in a better way.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 10 more) Revision 851084


Tom Albers committed changes in /trunk/extragear/pim/mailody/src:

Port Mailody from KHTMLPart to Webkit.

Still todo:
- block external references ( Urs? )
- fix scrollBy shortcut ( Qt4.5 )

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Revision 850649
Szymon Stefanek committed changes in /branches/kdepim/kmail-soc/kmail:

Add a nice (but not too much evident) animation to the folder tab while it's loading.
Kool but not annoying.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 6 more) Revision 850948


Fela Winkelmolen committed changes in /trunk/koffice/karbon/plugins/tools/CalligraphyTool/tutorial:

Add tutorial based on the Inkscape Calligraphy Tutorial.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 2 more) Revision 848438
Benoît Jacob committed changes in /trunk/koffice/kspread:

Port KSpread's eigen1-based code to eigen2.
(That is just the matrix math functions: MINVERSE,...)

Unit-tests pass, but I can't find a way in the GUIto use the matrix-returning functions such as MINVERSE.

Also, in the documentation, no function is described as returning a matrix.
I mean that in functions/math.xml, e.g. for MINVERSE, we have <Type range="true">Float</Type> but still in the GUI Help MINVERSE is described as returning a single floating-point.

Another minor complaint: MUNIT is very poorly named, it is not called the "unity matrix" but rather the "identity matrix", so I would suggest the name MIDENTITY.

Not sure though if I am allowed to make that kind of change, perhaps that is an ODF standard or something, I don't know.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4 Revision 848534
Benoît Jacob committed changes in /trunk/koffice:

* port eigen1-based Krita plugins to eigen2 (almost no change was needed)
* so KOffice does no longer depend at all on eigen1
* Add FindEigen2.cmake to cmake/modules/
* In CMakeLists: disable Eigen asserts unless we're in debug or debugfull mode.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Revision 848858
Benoît Jacob committed changes in /trunk/koffice:

Make the perspective transformations use eigen2 instead of old cut-and-pasted code.
Removes 450 LOC.

Use a 9x9 fixed-size matrix, instead of 10x10 dynamic-size (I don't understand why it was 10x10, perhaps I'm missing something).

Rework the API a bit, so functions which returned a pointer to dynamically allocated memory now return a fixed-size Eigen matrix. This fixes a few memleaks as these pointers were not always deleted.

Warning! The unit-test is empty, and I since I don't know how that feature is supposed to behave, I can't be sure that I didn't break it.
Please test!

Eigen2 now mandatory for building Krita. ${SARDONIC_LAUGHTER}

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Revision 850248


Helio Castro committed changes in /trunk:

As discussed during Akademy on amarok's den phonon meeting, xine backend is going to phonon trunk, and kdebase will be free of xine dependencies.

xine backend will be disabled until all changes are done.

Lydia Pintscher committed changes in /tags/amarok/1.90/amarok:

Tag amarok 1.90.

Nikolaj Hald Nielsen committed changes in /trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/browsers/collectionbrowser/CollectionTreeView.cpp:

Ugly, pathetic, foul smelling and generally not pretty, hackish workaround for the alternating row color issue.

This looks sane on the default Oxygen color theme but less so on other color themes.
We _really_ need a proper fix for this one before 2.0.0 final

Helio Castro committed changes in /trunk/kdesupport/phonon:

- Qtfied phonon-xine. Some translations are lost during conversion, but will be restored in near future.

phonon-xine now is a qt plugin, as well phonon-gstreamer and other phonon backends.
The move still need more tests.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 12 more) Revision 850169
Jeff Mitchell committed changes in /trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/collection/sqlcollection:

Max sez, Ian and my speculation in IRC today was right, and urls should never be lost from the urls table even if tracks are removed from the collection.

As a result you should never need uniqueid fields in statistics and lyrics tables.
So remove them.

Note that they are still needed in playlist_tracks as it stores paths, not integer references to the urls table.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Revision 850603
Ian Monroe committed changes in /trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/scriptengine/generator/CMakeLists.txt:

enable the generator for Qt 4.4.0
It actually compiles fine on 4.4.0.

Maybe my version is patched or something, let me know if it doesn't work.
Then we can bump Amarok to Qt 4.4.1. :)

This fixes the issue I was having yesterday of Amarok mysteriously not building the script generator, even though I had Qt 4.4.1.

Leo Franchi committed changes in /trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src:

new icon and button layout as discussed @akademy w/ leinir and team.
now only 1 button click is needed to zoom, or 2 to add or remove an applet

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Revision 851509
Leo Franchi committed changes in /trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src:

remove toolbox completely.
all in one commit so it can easily be reverted if we wish to put it back later

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Revision 851513

Networking Tools

Simon Edwards committed changes in /trunk/playground/network/guidedog:

* Import of Guidedog, a (currently) Linux based tool for easily setting up "connection sharing", basic routing and network address translation (NAT).
* Port to KDE 4 and Python.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 44 more) Revision 849620
Eike Hein committed changes in /branches/extragear/kde3/network/konversation:

Remove the code to recreate hidden-to-tray state across application restarts.
It was broken after the shutdown procedures were moved to a point in time after after the main window is hidden to cover quit-by-DCOP, and Konversation 1.1 features an explicit hidden startup option that fulfills user demands more accurately anyhow.

This fixes a bug that made Konversation always hide to tray on startup regardless of the aforementioned option when the system tray icon was enabled.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3 Revision 850017

User Interface

Michael Pyne committed changes in /trunk/playground/artwork/asciiquarium:

Import the KDE asciiquarium screensaver into the playground.
Differs from last tarball release into that seaweed is cleared off when they die instead of waiting for a passing fish, and the seaweed are not allowed to spawn on top of an existing seaweed to make it look nice.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 8 more) Revision 851179


Eike Hein committed changes in /trunk/extragear/utils/yakuake/KDE4FAQ:

KDE 4 FAQ file updates:
* Help with performance problems in the form of the new nVidia 177.67 beta graphics drivers.
* QT_USE_NATIVE_WINDOWS workaround for the Qt 4.4 scroll corruption issue in the Konsole terminal widget.

Eike Hein committed changes in /trunk/extragear/utils/yakuake/KDE4FAQ:

Another KDE 4 FAQ file update:
* Add a note about the new background tinting option to the question about skin translucency appearance.

Wang Kai committed changes in /trunk/playground/sysadmin/shaman/plugins:

packagekit rewrite, processQueue works

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 6 more) Revision 851194
Yew Ming Chen committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdeutils/ark/plugins:

first check-in for 7zip plugin.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Revision 851212


Charles Huet committed changes in /trunk/playground/games/KGLEngineRefactoring:

Initial import of the KGLEngine2d refactoring.
This version has little to do with the ktank beta 0.2 version.

It is aimed to be more easily usable and will be used by KTank and Katerpillar.

Stefan Majewsky committed changes in /trunk/playground/games/palapeli/patterns:

Resize jigsaw-puzzle shape SVGs to include very big plugs completely.
(Even if that sounds a bit X-rated, I cannot find a better description.)

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 16 more) Revision 849646
Sean Wilson committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdegames/kbounce/themes:

Added new default theme for KBounce, theme is beach style, sun and sea.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3 Revision 850430


Stephan Kulow committed changes in /tags:

tagging KDE 3.5.10

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (+ 35 more) Revision 849627