Revision 924956

Go back to digest for 15th February 2009

Features in Multimedia

Leo Franchi committed changes in /trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/browsers/collectionbrowser/CollectionTreeItemModelBase.cpp:

add filter for date added to collection.
you can add a string like "added:today" or "added:<1m3d" to the filter textedit.

there is no GUI for it at the moment, but this at least provides the backend support.

yes, this as a discoverability of -1000, but i need some UI ideas (and i think Dan has plans to redo the edit filter dialog completely, so i'm somewhat holding off).

File Changes

Modified 1 files
  • /trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/browsers/collectionbrowser/CollectionTreeItemModelBase.cpp
1 files changed in total