Revision 1182256

Go back to digest for 10th October 2010

Bug Fixes in KDE-PIM

Allen Winter committed changes in /branches/kdepim/enterprise/kdepim/kmail/kmfoldercachedimap.cpp:

when printing debug messages in the mailLossDebug mode, do not attempt to access the folder's prettyURL(). this is because prettyURL() searches up the folder's ancestry while trying to discover its family name :)

problem is: on quit, the ancestor nodes might already be invalidated due to the order they were destroyed.

thus, we use folder->idString() instead in the print.. it ain't pretty, but it's safe and does the job.

File Changes

Modified 1 files
  • /branches/kdepim/enterprise/kdepim/kmail/kmfoldercachedimap.cpp
1 files changed in total