Revision 821c45e...

Go back to digest for 18th December 2011

Bug Fixes in KDE Base

Peter Penz committed changes in [kde-baseapps] /src/kitemviews:

Fix several sort-issues

- Treeview: When sorting descending assure that the parent item is still
ordered before the child items and not afterwards.
- Treeview: When sorting by other roles than names expansionsLevelCompare()
had been buggy and resulted in ordering child items below wrong parent
- General: When sorting by another role than names and the role of
two items had been equal a case sensitive sorting of the names had
been done. This has been fixed by using the default name sorting
as fallback.

FIXED-IN: 4.8.0

File Changes

Modified 2 files
  • /src/kitemviews
  •   dolphin/kfileitemmodel.cpp
  •   dolphin/kfileitemmodel.h
2 files changed in total