Revision 62ae974...

Go back to digest for 26th May 2013

Bug Fixes in Utilities

Daniel Nicoletti committed changes in [print-manager/KDE/4.10] /:

If CUPS takes a while to respond a request, and in the meanwhile the
user closes the application, our worker thread will still be running
and when the CUPS request finishes the waitForFinish() event loop exits
continuing to do a change on the GUI which was closed but not deleted.

The application then crashes inside Qt because we tried to set something
on a widget that was not visible or so.

Since waitForFinish() is not very cool and must be avoided in this case
so we connect all the affected requests to a slot that checks if the
request fails, and then requests the an UI update to use the values
from the model.

File Changes

Modified 3 files
  •   printer-manager-kcm/PrinterDescription.cpp
  •   printer-manager-kcm/PrinterDescription.h
  •   printer-manager-kcm/PrintKCM.cpp
3 files changed in total